Wednesday, 15 September 2010

I've been in a bit of a funk all day long, and I'm deciding that rather than dwelling on the things I can't afford (clothes that fit), can't achieve, or can't escape (packing. ugh.), I'm going to think about the good things in my life. 

I remember as a teen, when my younger sister would get angry or sad or frustrated, the phrase you'd hear around our house was Choose JoyOur emotions are real, but they're not always right.  We can choose how we react to situations.  It is our decision to make - we can slouch and grouch and moan and complain, or we can Praise Him for the good things He's given us.

Here are some of the good things I've been given: 

These guys, who make every day a joy.  I love being a wife  to the greatest man on earth and Mommy to the cutest kid time has ever seen.
And cooler weather that makes coffee and apple crisp and soup even more enjoyable than before.
And a great job doing something I love for the church I'm called to.
And teaching AWANA with a fantastic group of leaders and kids, using the talents I've been given.
And finally connecting with some people I can call friends up here.
And windows flung wide without the house feeling like it's drowning in a swamp of humidity.
And the assurance that no matter what comes our way, He is on our side, and He will care for us.

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Matthew 6 :26-27

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