Friday, 26 February 2010

The Geurnsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society: A Review

  This is another of the books on my 52 Books in 52 Weeks list.  I thoroughly enjoyed it [read: it was finished within 25 hours of my opening to the first page]!

I began, a little sceptical of the format.  Written in the form of letters, notes slipped under front doors, and telegrams, I thought I was in for a confusing read.  I have read other books in this format and gotten completely lost and confused by the 10th page.  Shaffer and Barows, however, do a wonderful job of piecing together a story through the tidbits exchanged between friends and strangers.

Juliet and her friends are survivors of the second world war - Juliet a Londoner and the society from Guernsey, a Chanel Island that was occupied by the Germans. 

I don't want to go into a lot more detail, for fear I will spoil the plot for you.  But be encouraged - the format is readable, the characters become your friends, and I actually laughed out loud in portions - something, from my experience, that is rare in a book set near WWII.

Just go out to your nearest Chapters, Barnes & Noble, or hop over to Amazon. Don't walk. Run.  I think I may add it to my list a second time so that I can enjoy the company of the characters again before the year is out.

**ASIDE:  This afternoon is my scope - I'll be heading to the hospital around 2:30 to have a camera threaded through my vocal cords and hopefully to get some answers about my voice.  Say a little prayer for me, if you think of it? I'm awfully nervous.**


  1. I loved this book! I'm so glad you liked it too. What a sweet story.

    Prayers for you today!

  2. I'll be praying for you today that you get answers.

    Have a good weekend!

  3. I've been told I need to read this book. I keep forgetting to look for it at the library when I go... maybe I'll pick it up this afternoon.

  4. Thanks for the review. I've always been leery of the letter format myself, so I'm glad to hear your favorable review.
    Such a strange situation with your voice. I'm praying for you to get answers and for healing to take place. Hang in there!

  5. I have heard good reviews of this book. Thanks for the rec. Hope your appt went well (as well as cameras going in vocal cords can go), and they will figure out what to do for you.

  6. prays for you! keep us updated on what you find out, okay?



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