Monday, 1 March 2010

Voice Update [Plus]

The appointment with the Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist on Friday went well.  It didn't end up being a camera, but instead a sort of medical "periscope" used to look down past my tongue.  It tasted NASTY
The specialist says the good news is there are no nodes or pollyps on my vocal cords - they would be more difficult to deal with than "the bad news" which is that during my pregnancy (and possibly ongoing since) acid reflux, particularly during my sleep, would invade my esophagus, and while my body was horizontal, would puddle in there, eventually burning the muscles in the back of my throat which control the vocal cords.  My throat is a big burned-up mess.
If I don't see any improvement in the next month, I'll need to call back and make an appointment for a Barium Swallow - a radioactive substance used to figure out what's causing all the acid and thereby the burned voice.  I'm not particularly thrilled about the idea of swallowing radioactive material, but if it can get me my voice back, I'll do it over and over.

Saturday, Andrew and I attended Focus on Marriage - a Focus on the Family Simulcast Event - at our church.  What a great session!  Mostly, though, I was not convicted about things happening in my marriage, but with unforgiveness and bitterness I'd been harbouring for months because of some things that happened with my work.  By God's grace I was able to let go of the anger I'd been holding onto, and I feel like a real weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Sunday, we were able to sell our car!  It's going to friends, we're getting what we asked, and I just feel incredibly blessed by this - it will allow us to clear one of our sources of debt, and get us more on track to where we want to be financially - DEBT FREE!

Sunday was also so great, because my family got together - siblings and their significant others, parents, even grandparents - and together we watched the intense Canada-USA hockey game.  And came out with GOLD!!!  What an exciting experience to share with the people I love most.  Poor William got so scared everytime we screamed - scored. But he enjoyed watching, nonetheless.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy and sad for you! I'll be praying for healing for that "burned up mess" and I'm glad it's not nodes etc.
    So happy for Canada too! I was cheering for them in a room full of American fans. Let's just say the celebration wasn't quite as sweet here.
    Cute picture of William on the couch. He's getting so big!



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