Monday, 11 January 2010

Bringing Up Boys - by Dr. James Dobson: A Review

This was Book #1 on my 52 Books in 52 weeks list.  Given to me by my sister-in-law, mom to five boys under the age of 10, and written by a renowned Christian author, I had high expectations for the content of this book.  I definately did not walk away disappointed!

Writing on everything from the role of moms and dads to the influence of the feminist movement and today's family structures on the lives of young boys, Dr. Dobson approaches tough and touchy subjects with grace and tact. 

Many of the issues Dobson raises are poignantly true and bring small insights into somteimes difficult situations.  His consistent message, these children should be the centre of our lives for a time, rings true in this heart of mine. 

I think, perhaps, the biggest two points I took from this book were as follows:
1) Our children are more important than anything else we could be doing - it is better to have more time together and less stuff than more stuff and less time.  Our priorities need to be set straight.
2) Boys need men in their lives like fish need water.  It is essential that they have strong, faithful, manly role models - we moms can't be the manly men for our boys, we're not wired to do so, and it would be detrimental to our sons if we filled that role in place of our husbands.  There is a time when we as moms will be number one in our boys' lives, but eventually Dad has to be the one they look up to as a life-example.

I highly suggest this book to any mother/teacher of boys.  It provides a loving, faith-based approach to nurturing the little guys we love, whether they are 3 months, 3 years, or 13.   I suspect I'll be reading it again when William is a little older and new circumstances warrant our attention.

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