Well, it's been about 5 months since my last post. Things have been busy! The Wiggle is a year and a half, and talking and running and playing and pretending and playing outside and belly-laughing and throwing
occasional daily tantrums. A is still at the railway, working a lot more, though, so we see less of him and cherish the times he's home a lot more. I've been busy, too, but not with anything that felt blog-worthy. Just working, mommy-ing, wife-ing, and living the day-to-day. No major revelations, or even minor ones. No big events or occasions, nothing super exciting to share.
I don't have anything exciting to share this afternoon, either, but I've been thing about posting for weeks now, and decided to just bite the bullet. Maybe now that this post is out of the way, you'll hear a lot more from me in the near future. Time will tell.
Looking forward to your next post!