Friday, 2 October 2009

The Challenge: Day One

Yesterday was the first day of Mel's 30-day challenge to get in shape - body and spirit..  There are about 12 people participating for various reasons - mine has something to do with the 9 pound, 4 ounce bundle of joy that came into our lives 6 weeks ago.  Because I have not yet received the green light on exercise, I am starting out with just two of the three components - 20 minutes with Jesus each day and a commitment to healthier eating.

So...20 minutes with Jesus?  check
I get my 20 minutes with Jesus at the end of the day on my way to bed... I am priveleged enough to be able to share this time with my husband, reading from the Word and praying together.  Currently, we are reading through 1 Samuel and discovering God's justice - His blessing for the faithful and His wrath for those who turn against Him.

And...healthy eating?  half a check?
Thursdays are Date-Night - whether it's going out to dinner, or staying in with a rented DVD - Andrew and I have made a commitment to making sure we pause our busy lives to spend time on and with each other each week.  So last night we finally used our birthday gift of a nice dinner from East Side Mario's.  There isn't a whole lot of really healthy stuff there, but it's not McDonald's, either.  So after at least 1 loaf of bread and a bowl of soup, I only ate about 1/3 of my pasta dish.  And danishes from the grocery store for dessert.  I was doing well until we opened the crinkly plastic container full of pastry and icing.

Maybe a half-success.  BUT His mercies are new every morning.  So today we try again.

On the Menu:  Beef Tacos

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