Happy Labour Day!
We spent the weekend working on the apartment we're "building" for ourselves at my in-law's.
We managed to prime and paint a first coat of the kitchen/living room, started the installation of the kitchen counters, cleared out the bathroom - it's now just about ready for the new countertop and a new sink to be installed. It feels like some progress is being made, but we still can't get into what will be our master bedroom. It hasn't been touched - there's still a bed, desk, dresser, two or three night stands, a matress, and a fold-up cot in there, not to mention the surface stuff - clothes and a computer with all the accessories, and papers and books, etc.
Trying not to stress over it, but time is getting shorter and shorter.
Anyway, on to better things -- FOOD.
This week's menu is intended to be as easy as possible, since programs at church start up again this week, there are meetings and appointments and shopping trips to make.
Monday - Chicken Pasta Salad
Tuesday - Indian Butter Chicken with Broccoli, served over Rice
Wednesday - Macaroni
Thursday - Baked Chicken Breasts, potatos, green beans
Friday - Sloppy Joes & Cucumber Salad
church program
Saturday - leftovers
**Menu-Plan-Monday is hosted by Laura of I'm an Organizing Junkie**

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