Linking up with
Gussy Sews for this week's {Inspiration Workshop}. Head over there to get more inspiration for little (and big!) ways to pamper yourself.
While it's not often I get an hour of pampering, here's a rundown of how I'd spend an entire day with no kids, no obligations, and no concern over price. (And also, a chauffeur!)
We'll begin with devotions, so that the whole thing starts off on the right foot.
And a cup (or three) of coffee, drunk slowly, while I catch up on emails and blogs.
Breakfast out somewhere cozy. Definitely with homefries.
Get a great wash and cut from a stylist I trust.
And another coffee served over a mani/pedi .
Spend some time perusing a large library or several small bookshops.
and spend the afternoon reading here.
In the evening, I'd join my husband for a lovely dinner, and play with the Wiggle until his bedtime, because my family is where my heart is, and pampering me means hanging with them.