Wednesday 10 August 2011


I'm taking a break from MCAC (shocker, I know).
Life with a two-year-old (next week. oh man!) is hectic enough plus my part time gig at the church, and I'm looking to grow my Tupperware Business (did you know I sell Tupperware!? I do, and I LOVE it...ask me why!), and focus on family and the things that REALLY matter.

so TTFN, I hope to "see" you all again soon.

Thursday 14 July 2011

{Inspiration Workshop} Sunshine!

This week's inspiration was {SUNSHINE}.
Here's how we've been making the most of the sunshine lately...

Tuesday 12 July 2011

{Strawberry Jam}

Picked. Hulled. Smashed. Sugared Up.
Cooked. Bottled. Bathed.

My sister, my mom and I spent some time this past weekend picking, smashing, and cooking strawberries into 31 500mL jars. They are delicious. I'm looking forward to my next canning experiment experience. Peaches? Pears? Applesauce for sure when the time comes.

Do you put up preserves? What fruit/vegetables do you bottle?

Thursday 7 July 2011

{Inspiration Workshop} Pamper Yourself

Linking up with Gussy Sews for this week's {Inspiration Workshop}. Head over there to get more inspiration for little (and big!) ways to pamper yourself.

While it's not often I get an hour of pampering, here's a rundown of how I'd spend an entire day with no kids, no obligations, and no concern over price. (And also, a chauffeur!)
We'll begin with devotions, so that the whole thing starts off on the right foot.

And a cup (or three) of coffee, drunk slowly, while I catch up on emails and blogs.

Breakfast out somewhere cozy. Definitely with homefries.

Get a great wash and cut from a stylist I trust.

And another coffee served over a mani/pedi .

Spend some time perusing a large library or several small bookshops.

and spend the afternoon reading here.

In the evening, I'd join my husband for a lovely dinner, and play with the Wiggle until his bedtime, because my family is where my heart is, and pampering me means hanging with them.


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